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Dagmawi Negussu

Software Engineer from Addis

My Skills




Born(1998) and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. by two lovely and supporting parents, surrounded by much older siblings whom made life easier for me as a child. I loved video games and playing Football back then. I am really greatful to every body who was there when i was growing up.



I consider my self as a top student. As you can see in the achievments section I have received many certificates and prizes from multiple education facilities. I scored high in all three of Ethiopia's national exams. And I have a 3.59 GPA in Software Engineering, Bs.C.



I don't have every thing planned at this stage obviously. But I would like to go abroad for more studies of higher rank. But since then I plan to do voluntary work and I wouldn't hate some money ofcourse (for any body interested to work with me).




Badges earned and embedded from Acclaim

Azure AI Engineer
Cybersecurity Tools
Azure Fundamentals

Work Experience

Support Education

SupEd plc.

March - June 2020

Developer (Intern)

Kays Technology Solutions

Kays Technology Solutions

March - Novemeber 2020

Developer (Intern)

Line Addis

Line Addis

April 2020 - Present

IT Expert



July - August 2019

Volunteer Instructor

Gallery of my Projects

Here are few of my projects screenshots.


From a kid to a Software Engineer


I completed these periods in AB INFO ACADEMY which is a private school in our area. I accomplished a lot and became one of the top students there. I represented the school in many occasions like competetions, seminars and so on. My time there was good but there was no enough competetion for me to stay interested and to encourage my self to grow more.


 As I stated above I needed to see some new environment and competetion. LIDETA CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL SCHOOL is one of the most popular schools in Addis. I joined there and I learned to live and survive in big and hard crowd. The school was very though and gave me a great experience and life lessons. I scored one of the highest scores in the University entrance national exam.


I joined Addis Ababa University since it was arguably the best in Ethiopia. Eventhough I didn't get what I hoped in the Institute I sure am enjoying and learning a lot. I joined Software Engineering because in my belief it is the most exciting subject than the others and technology is the future. I completed my bachelor degree in 2021 with a 3.59 GPA.

About Me

I might not as smart as Elon Musk but for sure I am one of the fighters in life whom don't quit their dreams and job when an obstacle happens. I never have and never will give up in life. That is why I always deliver.


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